Thursday, July 31, 2008

Waiting for History to repeat itself


Let me take you back to time and place different from where you are today.

The time is mid-nineteenth century; place is North Eastern part of India – called Bihar. British ruled the sub-continent with an iron fist. The brown man was a mere slave to the white colonialist. Locals were made to work in the Indigo plantations owned by the British Raj through East India Company. Exploitation of all sorts was blatant. The Indigo labourers were paid bare minimum – handful of rice, everyday and a piece of cloth, every year. No rights and no way to speak of his suffering, they endured under the regime for some time. The Exploited takes the suffering to a limit only; after which his breaks. This happened in the Indigo plantations also. The poor man revolted, there were strikes and attacks against the British. The Rulers crushed the revolt brutally. British Army was called in from different part of the sub-continent. Leaders of the revolt were arrested, some were sentenced to death, Others sent to desolate islands in the Bay of Bengal called ‘Kalapani’, what is today’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Back to our times and place;

Labourers from the sub-continent are recruited for menial jobs in Kuwait. Being uneducated and unaware of the circumstances, the poor souls come to the land of affluence with dreams in their eyes. Cramped into small rooms with 15-20 inmates, working in the scorching heat of the sun and earning in a month what his employers pay for a pair of socks; He toils on hoping for a better future. The companies who employed him charge 10 times his monthly pay from the government. Exploitation is blatant. No rights and no way to speak of his suffering, he endures the situation for a while. He takes up courage and strikes work, demands for his rightful pay. The authorities offer solace that his demands will be met. But, the next day, he finds himself arrested and deported to his homeland from Kuwait. The revolt is crushed.

Back to the place I mentioned in the beginning, but a different time;

The time is fourth decade of twentieth century. World has seen two world wars in the three past decades. The empire in which the sun never sets was diminishing. Nationalist movements and Democratic revolutions were taking place the world over. The British were kicked out by people power. Independence paved the way for the labourer to become land owners.

Back to the place where we are today and time is a distant future;